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The Reaper's Touch Page 24

  “Sounds plausible to me.”

  William gave a rueful chuckle. “Anything sounds plausible where the Ripper is concerned. I even thought Alfie was the killer. I couldn’t understand how he had left Slaughter Yard without injury and then suddenly appear as we were leaving the city.”

  “I spoke to Alfie. He told me that he had seen Bessie, enter the Slaughter Yard. One of the constables was asleep, apparently, she was being rather friendly with the other, and when the opportunity arose she killed them both. He escaped through the window without her ever seeing him. He had been so scared that he just ran. A few hours passed and he finally reached our home, but Bessie returned and he saw her on the steps. He didn’t know if it was just Bessie that wanted him dead. So, he stayed close by but was too afraid to approach the house.”

  “He must have been terrified, not knowing who to trust. At least that is one threat which is in the past. The children of Rufus Thom cannot hurt anyone now.”

  “Shouldn’t we visit the home of Thom?”

  “We will - but it will be a pointless task. The Ripper will have moved on by now; we will have failed again.”

  “Failed? William, you thinned his ranks, which is far more than the entire police force managed. No, you have not failed, you simply haven’t succeeded yet.”

  William laughed at Emily’s outlook. “We need to get back to the Hall.”

  “We do?”

  “That is why you came, wasn’t it? It’s time to say goodbye to an old friend.” He rose from the stump and took her by the hand.


  They did not rush their return to the Hall. As they strolled William tried to hide his dread at seeing Obadiah being lowered into the ground. William knew that if he let it, the grief he felt at the loss of his friend would overwhelm or even destroy him. An inner strength had risen to the surface. That strength had been born of hatred for the Ripper; the architect of so much misery.

  In the distance, a crowd came into view. William’s throat became dry and the act of swallowing became almost impossible. They both crossed the gravelled courtyard and then continued down the right side of Cloveney Hall. They moved through the crowd and came to a halt just as Obadiah’s coffin was being lowered into the grave. An old family friend, Rector Cardwell was talking, but his words were lost on William as he stared into his friend’s resting place. It wasn’t until his father stepped up to say some words for Obadiah, that William focussed his attention on the proceedings.

  “Obadiah Godspeed was a member of my staff. He ran errands, poured the drinks and ensured my household ran with military precision.” Simeon’s voice began to break. “He was my friend, advisor, and someone I trusted beyond all others. When I was found wanting as a father, he stepped forward and ensured William had a man on which he could rely,” he paused to wipe a tear from his cheek. “He was a sour, cantankerous, old goat, but I loved him as a brother. He in turn, loved Cloveney Hall and those that call it home, though he would never admit the fact.” Simeon looked into the grave. “This has been, and will always be your home, Obadiah. Good-bye my friend.”

  Chapter 30

  The day after the funeral of Obadiah, Cloveney Hall was a sombre affair. Faraday called at the Hall early in the day. However, his attempts to communicate with William proved unsuccessful. Both William and his father were absent from the main house. Emily made the inspector welcome and invited him to take breakfast. Although conversation was muted, it was nonetheless, carried out between individuals who had grown closer in recent days. A new unity was forged; the bonds that held the small group together had been reinforced through tragedy.

  The stunted talk was brought to a halt when William and his father entered.

  “The horses are saddled, we ride for Sir Rufus Thom’s estate.” William expected to shock some of them as he had so far shown no interest in following that line of investigation. Judging by the look on their faces, he had succeeded.

  Emily was the first to recover her senses. “But William, some of these men are injured.”

  “We have prepared a coach. Those that wish to remain can do so.” He was not surprised to see every man stand.

  “This is madness. Jack, you can hardly walk. Isaac and John, your wounds require more time to heal.” Emily protested.

  “We will heal well enough in the coach,” Jack replied.

  “Foolish, pig-headed men.” Emily’s temper was beginning to rise. “Not a thought for your bodies or those you leave behind.”

  William strode over and pulled her into his arms. Before she could she could speak another word, he moved in for a kiss. It was deep and passionate, and Emily’s resistance had faded. William finally broke the embrace as his men filed passed the couple. Emily was breathing deeply, cheeks flushed in response to the kiss.

  “Wait I’m not finished,” she called after them, but she knew that she had lost the opportunity to convince them to stay. As the men climbed aboard the carriage, and mounts, she raised a hand to her own lips. It was as though she could still feel William’s passion upon them, and she could not help but smile. Her concentration was broken as Sir Simeon Harkness walked to her side.

  “Do not concern yourself for William’s safety. He has the bit between his teeth – save your prayers for any poor soul that stands in his way.”

  “This killer whom he pursues is no ordinary man, Simeon. He has influence and an intelligence that matches his insanity.”

  “I cannot deny that the Ripper is dangerous, or that he has influence. Nonetheless, I would place a hefty wager on my son, no matter the odds. Besides, William has a weapon that he did not previously possess.”

  Emily turned to look at Simeon. “What kind of weapon?”

  “He now has Sir Simeon Harkness and all his wealth and influence at his disposal.”

  “Does William know?” Emily was unsure that her lover would want his father being active in the investigation.

  “We discussed it at great length this morning. In truth, it was William who raised the prospect, and I am only too willing to provide assistance.”

  “But why, Simeon?”

  “There are few people in this world that truly care for me, Emily. In truth, probably more than I deserve. Obadiah was my friend and I will not rest until the Ripper and his followers are destroyed.”


  The journey to Rufus Thom’s home took just shy of one hour. On their arrival, two impressive wooden gates stood guard to the estate. William dismounted and inspected the gates, to his surprise, the slightest pressure was enough to reveal that the entrance was not locked. He put his shoulder to the task, within moments, the path to Thom’s Hall was clear.

  The road stretched into the distance, but both mount and carriage moved at speed. Before long, the home of Sir Rufus Thom came into view. It was not as impressive as Cloveney Hall, but William could tell that it would have cut a fine sight in its former years. Those days, however, were long since gone. The grounds were poorly kept and had a distinct unloved feel. The carriage and horses came to a stop and William, and his men dismounted. They gathered in a line facing the main door, weapons drawn in case danger was near.

  The door to the Hall opened, and to their surprise an elderly man stepped from the building.

  “Hello,” the old man greeted them, matter-of-factly.

  “Who in God’s name are you?” Abberline growled.

  “Bob,” the elderly man replied.

  “Ermm – Bob, what are you doing here?” William asked. He was a little confused by the emergence of the man.

  “I’m paid to keep the candles burning in the dining room.” He didn’t explain any further or enter pleasantries. He simply walked passed William and his men, went on his way.

  Everyone glanced at each other with an amused confusion.

  “Come on, let’s get this over with.” William slung his weapon across his back and strode into the Hall. In a sitting room, they found a portrait. The frame was old but the painting within was cle
arly a relatively new addition. The canvas showed Bessie with a male, he shared her china doll-like complexion. Gossup confirmed it to be the man he’d killed in the woods at Cloveney. It was not a revelation; William had come to terms with his theory on the identity of Bessie and her brother. He knew that the only answers, if any, would be obtained in the dining room. After all, why would the old man be paid to keep candles lit in only one room.

  The room in question was found. A long dining table dominated the room, upon which more candles had been lit, most likely by the old man who had just left the house. Curiously, the table was set, but at four of the settings, the plates were covered by black handkerchiefs. William immediately knew that it was symbolic for the four members of Cronos that had been killed. However, William’s focus was primarily on the setting at the head of the table. On the plate was an envelope and without looking, William knew it was addressed to him. He strode purposely along the length of the table and clasped the envelope. He turned and noticed that each of his men was watching him. He knew what he must do. He prized the envelope apart and pulled a letter from within.

  Dear William

  My gratitude

  Jack .......

  The End

  Coming Soon

  The Ripper Legacies

  Book 3

  The Reaper’s Kiss

  Release due Autumn 2018

  William Harkness will do battle with the Ripper,

  and the return of his old nemesis Charles Coldridge.

  Shadows of Troy

  Book 1

  Vengeful Gods

  A gritty re-telling of the Homeric tales and the woes of those left behind after

  the destruction of Troy.

  Historical Note

  As you can see from the novel, I have not attempted to write ‘The Reaper’s Touch’ in the same way that has been attempted by lots of authors in the past. Instead of concentrating on the five murders that have become infamous throughout the world over; I have attempted to capture the atmosphere that seems to have created by the initial murders. Jack the Ripper transcended the world of mortal men and became a thing of myth; an almost spectral beast who hunted the streets of London. Where reference has been made to the original murders, I have attempted to be true to the facts. I did not want to fall into the trap of producing yet another book where I claimed to know the identity of the killer and then proceed to bend facts to prove my point. I write fiction and hopefully fiction that the reader will enjoy.

  Author's Books

  The Ripper Legacies

  The Reaper’s Breath

  The Reaper’s Touch

  The Spartacus Chronicles

  Spartacus Talons of an Empire

  Spartacus The Gods Demand Sacrifice

  Spartacus The Pharaoh’s Blade

  Wrath of the Furies